Hiking Blog of the Superior Hiking Trail
I love to hike almost as much as I love to canoe and camp. If I didn’t have to carry all of my gear on my back for a thru hike then I would love it just as much. But since most thru hikes require carrying gear on your back canoeing will remain number one on my list of outdoor activities.
Day hikes offer a wonderful alternative to thru hiking without the concerns about finding a campsite at the end of the day. The Superior Hiking Trail provides lots of great day trips of varying lengths and you can even use a shuttle service to hike from lodge to lodge. That sounds like a great way to hike the Superior National Hiking Trail.
While on the internet the other day I found a blog about one man’s journey this fall on the Superior Hiking Trail. It’s fun to read about other people’s adventures but even more fun to have your own. I’m hoping to get out on some more hiking adventures yet this fall, I hope you can too.