Capture the Beauty
There certainly is no shortage of beauty in our neck of the woods. While pictures rarely do the scenery justice being a good photographer can help. Why not learn to take great photos and experience the beauty of our area all at the same time? You can do it with Bryan Hansel, an area photographer who holds photography workshops year round. One of these days I plan to attend one and I hope you will too.
Upcoming Classes and Photography Workshops
February 8 to 10, 2013 – Lake Superior Winter Photography Workshop (full).
February 22 to 24, 2013 – Lake Superior Winter Photography Workshop at Aspen Lodge in Grand Marais (4 spaces left).
April 19 to 21, 2013 – Spring Waterfall Photography Workshop (full w/waiting list started) at Aspen Lodge in Grand Marais.
April 26 to 28, 2013 – Spring Waterfall Photography Workshop (potential second waterfall workshop if I get enough on the waiting list).
Jun 14 to 15, 2013 – Wildflower Photography at North House Folk School. Register with the North House.
September 25 to 29, 2013 – North Shore Fall Photography Workshop (registration open) at Aspen Lodge in Grand Marais.
November 8 to 10, 2013 – Gales of November Photography Workshop (signups started) at Aspen Lodge in Grand Marais.
Any day – Private group and and individual photography instruction on Lake Superior. Starting at $95 per person. See below.