I’m having that too much to do and not enough time to do it feeling and I’m wishing the world would slow down. It’s like being on the treadmill when the belt suddenly decides to go Mach 100 and you can only run so long without being thrown off into the wall. The wall is near.
Thank goodness it’s Friday. Not that it makes much of a difference in my life but at least I don’t have to worry about getting the kids off to school for two days. Last night was PTA and discussion of what’s coming up next. There are four days coming up with important tests the kids need to take so the PTA provides a snack in the morning. It helps make sure the kids have some brain fuel to work with and hopefully do a good enough job on their tests that we don’t get funding cut. Then there’s the Spring Project Fair to plan, Teacher Appreciation Week and of course the end of the raffle sale next week. Thank you to everyone who has purchased tickets. There are still more tickets available to purchase so give me a call or drop me an email and I’ll save one for you.
We also had a hockey family night last night. Unfortunately the temperature was hot so the ice wasn’t really ice just a big pile of slush. The skates couldn’t make it through the slush so it was a game of boot hockey with adults versus kids. Then "My Sister’s Place," a fabulous restaurant in Grand Marais held a special fundraising dinner for the hockey team. We all gathered there for dinner and fun.
Plans for Mush for a Cure are going strong. There’s lots to do still including collecting prizes, donations and volunteers. Luckily there are alot of great people helping out and things are coming together nicely for the event. Just a week from today will be the Mingle with the Mushers night…
In the midst of all of this planning I continue to work on the Ham Run Half Marathon and of course Voyageur stuff. My head sometimes begins to spin and I can’t clear the thoughts in my brain. I wish I could make the world slow down or even stop for a moment so I can catch my breath. But until it does I’ll just keep my legs running and avoid the wall as long as I can.