Gunflint Trail Historical Society
The Gunflint Trail Historical Society held their monthly meeting on Memorial Day. There were over thirty people in attendance and discussion centered around what the Historical Society is about and what the committees have been doing. The GTHS is less than a year old and its first project is the Chik-Wauk Museum. Conversations between the USFS and TGTHS are moving along and the two groups will meet on June 21st to discuss the partnership agreement. Hopefully the agreement will be finalized so work can begin at Chik-Wauk; a USFS owned building. The marketing committee submitted a logo design as well as options for a slogan for members to vote on. Members were also asked to help come up with a name for the Chik-Wauk Museum. If you have any suggestions then please let me know by the 10th of June. It’s time for members to renew their annual memberships and they can do this at the annual meeting on the 26th of June or forms can be printed from the website. We invite you all to become members of the Gunflint Trail Historical Society.