Back from the Boundary Waters

    Boundary Waters Bliss

     I was able to take a spur of the moment canoe trip this weekend.  I decided the forecast looked too good to spend time indoors and I had to take advantage of the opportunity to paddle.  It was a short but glorious two nights in the BWCA. 

     The only way the camping trip could have been better is if I would have been able to spend more nights in the woods.  Otherwise it was a perfect trip.  The weather was incredible, the stars unbelievable and the fishing was fantastic.  The water was calm and a perfect temperature for swimming.  The company wasn’t bad either.

     Rugby and I got along quite well in spite of the fact he didn’t help at the portages.  Come to think of it he didn’t help paddle either.  No wonder Mike has made the comment more than once, "When I am reincarnated I hope I come back as your dog."  I even let Rugby share the hammock for sleeping underneath the stars. 

     On Sunday morning I thought I had died and went to heaven.  There was fog all over the lake and it felt like I was in the clouds.  The fog eventually burned off but with all of the fish I caught I still thought there was a possibility I had died and went to heaven. 

     Today I realized I wasn’t in heaven because I didn’t have any Diet Coke.  Wouldn’t there be Diet Coke for me in heaven?  Then when I saw another pair of paddlers I knew reality had struck.  I was still on earth and had to be back to Voyageur to work.  Oh the disappointment I felt knowing I couldn’t spend another night in the BWCA.  If I didn’t have a business to run, kids and a million other responsibilities then I would most certainly find a place to hide away in the woods forever. 

     Here I am, back at the computer with the telephone ringing.  I’m thinking about the song by Belinda Carlisle, "OOh Heaven is a place on Earth…"   I agree with her and I’m lucky I already know how to get there.

BWCA Beautiful