Additional closures on the Gunflint Trail
National Forest lands and roads on the upper section of the Gunflint Trail are now closed. Private and public roads are still open so homeowners and guests can access resorts, outfitters and restaurants on the Gunflint Trail. The closure area starts beyond Poplar Lake and pertains to recreating on the lakes, rivers, roads, hiking trails and campgrounds. Folks will no longer be able to hike the Centennial Trail, Magnetic Rock Trail, Seagull Lake Nature Trail or camp in the forest including Trail’s End Campground and Iron Lake Campground.
There are not enough fire fighting resources in the state to protect all of the areas from threat of current wildfires The Greenwood Fire near Isabella, MN has burned structures and is over 20,000 acres in size. It continues to threaten property and this fire will remain the focus of firefighting activities. Since the John Ek Fire isn’t immediately threatening property or people no resources are currently being used to fight the fire. When there is an immediate threat to people or property then resources may be diverted to fight the John Ek Fire. However, there are only so many resources available at this time and if rain isn’t received the powers that be may have some difficult decisions to make.
We’re running our wildfire sprinkler systems and our neighbors are as well. In the event the fire does make it to the Gunflint Trail we hope we’ve created enough of a vapor barrier that our properties will be spared. We will continue to pray for rain and no wind and ask you to do the same. There is rain in the forecast for Friday so we’ll keep our fingers crossed.
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