Sunrise, Sunset
The nice thing about fall is that you don’t have to get up very early to see the sunrise nor do you have to stay up late to watch the sunset. This last week before Daylight Savings the sun doesn’t rise until after 7:30 AM and the sun sets around 6:00 PM. The lack of daylight sure makes the sleeping easier and if I didn’t have to get the kids out of bed in the morning it would be very tempting to sleep the morning away. It is strange to get the kids to the bus before it’s light and even stranger to get them off of the bus when it’s already dark. After Daylight Savings it will be dark an hour earlier which means the kids will have no daylight hours at home except for on the weekends.
I can see why bears and some other animals choose to hibernate this time of the year. I will take advantage of these early sunsets and do some star gazing with hopes of seeing the Northern Lights dancing across the star filled sky.