Boundary Waters Canoe by Wenonah
During the summer we had the opportunity to try out a new canoe by Wenonah. We love Wenonah Canoes and its owner Mike Cichanowski. Mike C. is the Vice-President to Mike P. on the board of the Professional Paddlesport Association so we have gotten to know him very well. Mike P. also had a chance to tour the Wenonah Facility in Winona, MN earlier this month.
The new canoe was made for the Boundary Waters and is aptly named the Boundary Waters. We tried the kevlar version of this 17 foot canoe that weighs about the same as a MN II, around 40 pounds. It was made to be light for portaging but more stable than a sleek MN II for fishing and paddling. The sides are built a little higher and the body is wider so the canoe does not feel "tippy". It has two seats and is perfect for almost any combination of paddlers but is specially designed with anglers in mind. Serious anglers can have a little divot put in the bottom of the canoe underneath the back seat that will hold a small amount of water, perfect for placing the transducer of a depth finder into.
At Voyageur Canoe Outfitters we offer a variety of canoes that you can check out on our website. We will be proud to offer the Boundary Waters Canoe by Wenonah to all of our paddlers next summer.
If you are one of the first three people to tell us the name of the Royalex Canoe made by Wenonah that we offer for rent at Voyageur then we’ll send you a special gift.