Incredible Paddling Trips

     While it isn’t the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness it is a scenic and wild trip J.J. and Josh completed during their Paddle to Seattle.  They traveled together for 97 days and 1300 miles as they made their way through the Inside Passage filming their movie "Paddle to Seattle."

     I usually don’t find paddling films to be all that interesting, especially ones that involve kayaking.  The ones I have seen tend to show crazy people careening down waterfalls I wouldn’t even think about standing near let alone paddling over into oblivion.  The only reason I ended up watching this kayak dvd was because my kids wouldn’t stop talking about it.

     Sheri Prom, Mike’s cousin(who must of you know from her working at Voyageur or appearing in other blogs) went to school with JJ from the movie "Paddle to Seattle." While hanging out with our kids one time she and the kids watched the DVD and the kids really enjoyed it.  So much in fact they wanted to watch it again during break so we all sat down to view it.

     Josh and JJ are refreshingly hilarious as they kayak through amazing scenery during their journey.  It’s a highly entertaining film I recommend you take the time to watch.  You can watch it for free on PBS right now or purchase the DVD on their website


Watch the full episode. See more Reel NW.