Vote Green
As a responsible voter not only should you vote for candidates who care about the environment but cast your vote or get to the poll, in a green manner.
Are you voting green?
The Bite
You are if you car pool to the polls. Assuming it’s too far to walk, organize a carpool for next Tuesday with coworkers or friends, so nobody, er, forgets to vote, and to combat congestion. That way, no matter who you pick, you’ll score a minivictory for the Earth.The Benefits
- Fewer absentees. If you’re cruising to the polls in a group, there’s less chance of someone missing out (behold the power of peer pressure).
- Stuffing your wallet, not the ballot box. Splitting transportation costs is another plus.
- Not being late to the political party. Most of us don’t have to get on the highway to get to our polling place, but car pooling gives you a license to use the car-pool lane.
- Our exit polls say ‘pooling to the polls reduces traffic (and angst over certain politicians’ stances on global warming).
- If 10,000 Biters share a 5-mile ride with three friends to the polls (round-trip), we’ll avert the same amount of CO2 produced by almost four Americans in a year.
Personally Speaking
All the SF editors can walk to the polls, but for those of us in the ‘burbs, car pools are the way to go.In August, Lifetime TV asked viewers which presidential candidate they’d rather car pool with; 51% said Obama, 31% said McCain.Wanna Try?
- Vote411 – find your polling place if you don’t already know.
- Get together with a few coworkers/friends, and get in the car.
- Carpoolworld, eRideShare, iCarpool, and Ridester – find a car pool with one of the top four ride-share sites.