Taste of the Gunflint Trail and Chik-Wauk Museum
Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center is a great place to visit anytime you’re on the Gunflint Trail. There are videos to watch, books to read and trails to hike on the property. Today you can join Kent Jones for a hike at 2:00pm and listen to him tell about Survival Adaptations of Plants and Animals. Next week there will be a special treat at Chik-Wauk during the Taste of the Gunflint Trail.
The 4th Annual Taste of the Trail will be held on Sunday, September 4th from 11-5pm. While we support the fundraiser for the Gunflint Trail Historical Society we won’t be offering "tastes" at Voyageur this year. We do want to see you at Voyageur where you can take advantage of our half-price canoe rental and paddle your way over to Chik-Wauk. It’s a quick paddle from Voyageur into the BWCA and over to Chik-Wauk that should only take about 30 minutes for most folks. We’ll also have a Buy One Get One 1/2 Off
You’re welcome to stop in anytime you’re up the Gunflint Trail and especially during this year’s Taste of the Gunflint Trail.