Stinky is Back!
I should have knocked on wood yesterday when someone asked if Stinky had been around lately. I smugly said, "Nope, we haven’t seen him since bear hunting opened and I don’t expect to see him again." KNOCK ON WOOD!
I collected all of the garbage last night and placed it into the back of the pick up truck. It was getting late and I was debating about whether or not to haul the garbage to the dump when Mike called on the telephone. Mistake #2, I asked Mike’s opinion on whether or not I should take it and he said, "Just wait until tomorrow."
This morning when I let Rugby outside he went ballistic. I looked outside and sure enough Stinky had returned. There were muddy paw prints on the truck and pretty much every bag of garbage had been ripped into. A corn cob here, a diaper there, here a box, there a coffee filter, everywhere a mess, mess; Big old Stinky made a mess, e-i-e-i-o…
I believe being flexible is a good character trait. I hadn’t planned on picking up garbage, hauling the trash to the dump, or shoveling bear poop off of my driveway this morning, but there I was anyway. I thought Stinky was gone for good, but I guess I thought wrong. The saga of Stinky and Sue continues…