Snowing and Blowing
It’s been cold and windy the past few days and today it snowed. Thankfully it didn’t stick to the ground but it was depressing just the same. The rain we received along with the wind made some of the ice shift on the lakes and rumor has it a big chunk left Gunflint Lake today. This is not confirmed and it would be quite surprising but it certainly could be. When there is a little bit of open water like there is where the Cross River flows into Gunflint Lake all it takes is some big wave action and the ice can crumble.
We’ll have to take a look out on Saganaga but the last time Matt checked he wasn’t able to get past the mouth of the narrows. It was socked in and it didn’t look like it was going anywhere real soon. Time will tell.
Most of the lakes to the south of us and some to the west of us have opened up. Fall Lake and White Iron Lake near Ely, Minnesota are ice free. You can check the status of ice of lakes in Minnesota on the DNR website.
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