Snow Day
I don’t know how they can call it a Snow Day when there wasn’t any snow, but that’s what the School District said yesterday was. The cold temperatures combined with dangerous wind chills allowed the kids to stay home from school yesterday and gave them a two hour late start today. Hence the reason my Blog is being posted more than two hours later than normal!
I was informed yesterday, by my loving husband, that a Snow Day is supposed to be fun. So, after Abby practiced the piano, read her book bag, took a spelling test and after both of the kids wrote out all of their Valentine Cards, and had story hour, we had a little bit of fun. We played games; Perfection, Frustration, Kings in the Corner, and then I even let them watch a movie, just so I could take a break!
I was still suffering from Cabin Fever so when I saw the thermometer reach zero outside I made my move. I quickly dressed, put on my ski boots, and got into the car to go for a cross-country ski. By the time I got to the Trail Head, 12 minutes later, the temperature was already 7 below. Don’t ask me how or why, but determined to enjoy the wonderful winter trails I put on my skis and started out. In spite of the icicles hanging from my eyelashes and frost covering my face I had a great ski. I was dressed appropriately and didn’t even get cold; until my face began to thaw.
This morning the temperature was 34 below zero when I got up but it’s already up to 16 below. With a little luck it will break zero and I’ll be back out on the trails enjoying the solitude of a winter ski.