Signs of Spring on the Gunflint Trail
The pussy willows have popped and I saw my first duck of the season on the edge of the moose pond. Of course I can’t remember what kind of duck it is. Every year it appears there and I wonder what duck it is… I go home, get my bird book out and debate between a goldeneye, bufflehead or merganser. It is mainly black with a white patch but once I get home and look at the pictures then I can’t remember where the white was. If someone in my neighborhood reads this and knows what kind of duck it is then please tell me so I can forget again next year.
There was a mist hanging over the ice on the Seagull River this morning. I took a photo to share with everyone via Twitter and I spent over an hour trying to figure it out. I got a new computer and it’s a Mac. I downloaded the pictures onto the computer, I can find them in the ilibrary but it won’t show them when I am trying to upload them. I don’t get it. I need someone who knows how to work a Mac to show me how it’s done. So, again, if there’s someone out there that knows how to do it then please tell me or show me.
Other signs of spring outside are moose tracks along the road. I haven’t seen a moose lately but obviously there has been one around. There are smaller tracks too, so could they have had their young already or is it a deer?
There are sounds of spring to be heard too. Lots of birds singing, woodpeckers pecking, grouse drumming and it won’t be long and we’ll hear the call of the loon. There are lots of signs of spring on the Gunflint Trail so come on up and see them.