Showers Expected- Meteor Showers That Is
It’s that time of the year and Mike may get a front row seat for the meteor showers while camping in the BWCA the next few nights.
DRACONID METEOR WATCH: Earth is about to pass through a stream of debris from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, source of the annual Draconid meteor shower. Last year, Europeans witnessed a faint but furious outburst of 600 meteors per hour when the shower peaked. No such display is expected this year, but the Draconids are notoriously unpredictable. Northern-hemisphere sky watchers should be alert for slow-moving meteors emerging from the head of the constellation Draco the Dragon (not far from the North Star) on Sunday night, Oct 7th, through Monday morning Oct. 8th. Check for more information and updates.