Show Your Green
While the calendar may say it’s time to wear your green I am still in the pink mode. I have heard so many positive comments about the Mush for a Cure it’s been unbelievable. The beginning of the Mush with the National Anthem playing and Sky Dan and crew dropping pink streamers from above made tears swell in the eyes of some. While some men were too proud to wear the slightest bit of pink others embraced the cause and covered themselves completely with pink. Then there were a couple of men who looked normal except for their beautiful pink lipstick covered lips that Sue Campbell at Trail Center couldn’t resist. The pride and enthusiasm could be felt on Saturday and continues to be felt through the readings of other people’s blogs and their urgency to do it again next year.
I for one will not be out drinking green beer and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day tonight. It’s not that I don’t like the holiday or the Irish, it’s just that it’s only 7 in the morning and I can’t keep my eyes open. It must be post race let down because my throat is sore, my head is pounding and a cough is racking through me. I’m sure I’ll bounce back soon as there are things that need to get done, sooner rather than later.
Brochures to get into the mail, e-mails to answer and permits to reserve await the Voyageur list. Raffle tickets need tot be counted and recorded before the PTA chapter can be finished. A seemingly endless list of Mush for a Cure tasks await Mary and I after my 4:30PM Community Center Meeting and before GTVFD Training at 6PM tonight. Something tells me I won’t be able to get to them all. In the meantime I will pluck away at the things I can get done and be thankful for the wonderful success of the Mush for a Cure.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Bruce Johnson of Grand Marais tells a complete story with his photography of the day’s event. While I couldn’t answer Mike when he asked what time did the last team get in, when were the awards done, etc. I was able to reference the time on Bruce’s photos. What an incredible timeline to be able to have to tell the story of the Third Annual Mush for a Cure. Thanks again Skydan and Bruce, you are both awesome.