Northwoods Company
Some people think we must get so lonely up at the end of the Gunflint Trail. The truth is there is rarely a dull moment and there are many visitors to keep us entertained. A cabin owner a few strokes down(by way of a canoe), comes up here to be alone and enjoy the "isolation" but this is what she reports…
Freddy’s offspring has been making visits for handouts. I’m calling her Rosie. (Unless it’s a male. Then I’ll have to change the name.) Also, we saw Mama moose and her twins which I’ve named Maybelle, Mark and Missy. :o) They all look so big, sleek and healthy. They really like the poplars. The Pine Marten came by the last couple days too. It crawled up the side of the cabin, sat on our overhang, jumped onto the pickup and scooted off. Fun wildlife days. Have yet to see Stinky or his Mom though. But we do still have the paw prints and claw marks pushed through the screen on the east side of the cabin. If it was a human I’d be angry. But since it’s an animal it’s ok.
<%image(20071021-moosediane.jpg|300|225|null)%>Thanks for sharing your story and photo Diane!