Breaking Records
Of course this is about the weather, again! Mother Nature is out doing herself this year by breaking some ten year records for rainfall. We still have eleven more days in October and we’re over an inch above the previous high rainfall of 5.02" in 1998. Now all we need is some snow to go along with all of this rain.
We can usually count on at least one snowfall in October. Some years it’s just an inch or so but last year we got over six inches of snow and in 2003 we received over 9 inches in October! That would be a nice way to kick off winter on the Gunflint Trail in my opinion.
Thanks to Mother Nature the water level is high. There’s only the tip of the big rock showing in the rapids and the waterfalls on the shore of Lake Superior look better than they do some springs. It’s worth taking a drive up to check it out, but be sure to bring your rain gear and snow boots, just in case.