National Canoe Day
Come celebrate National Canoe Day at Voyageur Canoe Outfitters! The 26th of June is declared National Canoe Day by the Canadians and we want to join in the celebration. We’re offering free canoe rentals for day trips and overnight lodging in our cabins for half-price. That’s pay for one night and get the 2nd night free in any of our cabins at the end of the Gunflint Trail. The Canadians started this celebration and we invite you to join us as we celebrate along with them this year.
The 1st National Canoe Day Proclamation
(As Read in English by Curve Lake Chief Keith Knott and then in Ojibway by Mrs. Anita Knott on June 26th, 2008)
Whereas the Anishinabeg have lived in this river valley since time immemorial and
Whereas Canada is a nation of rivers, where the canoe is still the most appropriate vehicle for accessing much of this country and
Whereas 400 years ago the Aboriginal Peoples across Canada welcomed Samuel de Champlain and those who followed from across the oceans and
Whereas we shared with these visitors our ways, our technologies, our love of the land, the animals, the waters and the air and
Whereas the canoe embodies the spirit of the natural materials from which it is made and the essence of the people who have made them through the centuries and
Whereas this vessel was given freely as a gift to Canada from the Aboriginal Peoples of east, south, west and north and
Whereas the canoe was adopted by the visitors and has become a symbol of the founding contribution of Aboriginal Peoples to this nation called Canada and
Whereas the canoe in its many shapes and sizes is still one of the most fun, relaxing, fulfilling and non-polluting forms of recreation and most profound ways to connect with nature …
Whereas in 2007 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation polled Canadians who declared the canoe as one of the seven wonders of Canada
Whereas the canoe continues to play an integral role in the history and evolution of Canada and stands as testament to the necessity and power of working together as we move forward together …
Be it proclaimed on behalf of the First Nations of Canada, the County and City of Peterborough and surrounding municipalities That June 26th, 2008 be declared National Canoe Day. As Chief of Curve Lake First Nation, I call upon governments and peoples of Canada to mark this occasion annually on this day.
All in favour join me in the paddler’s salute, followed by O Canada and an honour song.