Moose Hunting Results
There are fewer moose now than there were before the 2012 moose hunting season. But according to experts the moose hunt doesn’t affect the population. In a Minnesota Conservation Volunteer article the following appeared,
Minnesotans may wonder why there is a hunting season on a shrinking moose herd. Wildlife experts say the current regulated harvest does not hurt the moose population.
"It’s less than 5 percent of the population, and it’s only bulls," says DNR area wildlife manager Tom Rusch. "There are still plenty of bulls to breed all cows."
Mike Schrage, Fond du Lac Band wildlife biologist, agrees: "We could completely halt hunting, and it would not affect the outcome for moose at all."
I’m not good with numbers but if there are 46 fewer moose than before the hunting season it seems to me that hurts the population.
2012 Northeastern Minnesota moose hunt harvest numbers announced
State-licensed hunters registered 46 bulls during the 16-day bull moose season, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
In the 2012 lottery, 76 once-in-a-lifetime bull moose licenses were issued in 30 zones, down from 105 bull moose licenses in 2011. A total of 3,436 applicants consisting of 1,669 parties of two to four hunters applied for the 76 available tags. The 60 percent success rate was slightly higher than 2011 success rate of 58 percent.
The northeast moose population is estimated at 4,230 animals and permit numbers are established to reflect a conservative harvest approach as outlined by the DNR’s moose management plan for the northeast moose population. The bag limit is one antlered bull moose per party.
The DNR’s wildlife health program continues to work closely with hunters on a moose herd health assessment project. This project is important for helping to better understand the health status of Minnesota’s moose and their exposure to disease and parasites.
“Voluntary participation of state and tribal moose hunters is vital to the success of the program,” said Michelle Carstensen, DNR wildlife health program supervisor. “The program received samples from 62 moose taken by state and tribal hunters this fall. Hunter cooperation rates make it clear that Minnesota moose hunters value moose in our state.”
Moose viewing is also a popular activity in northeastern Minnesota. The DNR advises that non-hunters should exercise caution while pursuing moose photo and viewing opportunities. A blaze orange outer garment and cap are recommended. Rutting moose can be very aggressive so observers should use caution and give the moose plenty of room.
For more information about the Minnesota moose management plan, habitat or hunting, please visit the DNR website at or