Madonna and Dick Clark
Madonna was up on a canoe trip last week and Dick Clark is coming up to stay in a cabin this week. This is true but I guess I need to apologize to those of you who believe the "real" famous folks were visiting Voyageur, not just their namesakes. These folks are only famous because they are guests of ours, that’s why they don’t look or act like the "real" famous people. They just happen to have names that make us think about the famous people and with a little help from Jimmy Hinshaw it sparked a blog idea.
Now the staff is going through the database looking for any other famous names. Look what you started Jimmy. I’m not sure if this should be made public or not but there’s so much more to the Jimmy story I just have to share it.
It was two Thursday’s ago after our first softball game of the season. My sister’s family and my kids were in town and we were all hungry. It was late so the dining options were quite limited and I suggested the Birch Terrace. It’s a beautiful restaurant with a great lounge and a brand new deck and they offer $5.00 baskets. Burger and fries, fish and chips, pasta and much more all for a great price. The only thing is it is in a place where they also happen to have karaoke and a bar. I know, children in a bar, probably not the best choice but at least it’s non-smoking and half of the people there are mom’s of their friends, anyway, on with the story.
There was a group of guys at a table in the corner. They were obviously not locals or we would have known who they were. They were taking pictures and having a good time and when the Karaoke started one of the guys went up to sing. He made a speech that sounded like a DJ, said something about Kentucky, and proceeded to sing Michael Jackson’s song, Billie Jean. As soon as I heard Kentucky I told April, "I bet those are our guests."
Michael Jackson continued to sing and dance the Moondance and engage the entire place. It was really fun and everyone got a kick out of it. We left soon after that, went home, went to bed, and started a new day at Voyageur. I was sitting at the desk and happened to get a glance at the person walking by the window. Sure enough, it was our Kentucky Boys with Michael Jackson in the lead. When he walked in I belted out Billie Jean to his complete embarassment. We continued to harrass him throughout the day and when he came off of the water. He was a very good sport about it and it was all in fun. Turns out he is a DJ and I’m sure he’s a good one(much better DJ then singer is what we told him). Poor guy, so we’re not sure if we still have him as a guest after all of the harrassment but we’re hoping so.
As Paul Harvey would say, "Now here’s the rest of the story." I happened to be in town at the end of last week and decided to have fun with my staff at home. We have Live Chat so I logged on and said I had left one white glove on the towboat. Then I wrote something about April offering great service and made some other jokes. Before I could confess it was me and not Jimmy I got disconnected. Sheri and April had a huge laugh over this as they really thought it was poor Jimmy Hinshaw aka Michael Jackson.
There’s still more to the story if you are still reading. Sheri happened to be one of the people who actually believed we had those famous people visit Voyageur. Even with knowing Michael Jackson wasn’t here, having worked here for the past 16 years and being a relative of ours, she still thought she had missed these famous folks. Oh, my gosh.
So, I guess I shouldn’t joke around too much because people believe what I say. I apologize if you were like Sheri and thought Dick Clark was coming to ask her to be on the American Bandstand and that Richard Greer needed another Pretty Woman. I’ll try to be more clear so you know if I’m serious or not, then again, maybe I won’t. I could start my own, Believe it or Not blog entries! What a great idea. I can’t believe I didn’t come up with that idea sooner. Oh, I’m so excited I better get going and see what I can come up with for future entries. WAIT! I think I hear Patsy Cline singing…