If You Can Camp Then Visit Voyageur
Press Release from the Conservation Corps I Can Camp! will bring families outdoors
For families with little or no camping experience, “I Can Camp! is being launched this summer by Conservation Corps Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and REI to introduce Minnesotans to tent camping. The overnight workshops will be held on Thursdays and Saturdays, from June 17 to Aug. 21.
Two Conservation Corps crews will travel throughout the state to host I Can Camp! workshops at 33 Minnesota state parks and recreation areas. The cost is $55 per family of up to six members, and includes a one-day vehicle permit, basic camping and cooking equipment and hands-on instruction. Participants need only bring their own bedding, groceries and personal items.
Corpsmembers will show participants how to set up and break down camp sites, build a campfire, cook outdoors and will recommend clothing and equipment. Each workshop’s activities will vary, depending on the location, facilities and weather. Conservation education may include bird and wildlife watching, canoeing, pop-can fishing, hiking, animal footprint tracking and geocaching. In the evening, families will prepare meals, followed by a campfire and s’mores.
For more information, email ican.camp@state.mn.usor, call (651) 259-5647
or simply click the photo card to download an informational pdf. To reserve an
I Can Camp! workshop, visit stayatmnparks.com or call 1-866-85PARKS.