Gunflint Trail Fun
Yesterday Josh asked me if we were going to take a summer vacation. I asked him what he thought the answer was and he replied, "No, we’re already on vacation." For a moment I thought this was sarcasm but when I pressed for more information he simply replied, "This is where everyone wants to vacation."
While I can’t say for sure that everyone wants to vacation on the Gunflint Trail I can say all of our guests certainly do. We have all of our cabins filled wth vacationers this week and it’s so much fun to see them enjoying all our northwoods have to offer. Day canoe trips to the palisades on Seagull Lake in the BWCA, kayaking on Saganaga Lake for a picnic lunch on an island, fishing on Gull Lake from a boat and motor and swimming in the Seagull River. Our guests are having some Gunflint Trail Fun. They’re even catching fish off of their docks and seeing our neighborhood wildlife.
When I think about vacationing I always think about how fun it would be to vacation on the Gunflint Trail. So many lakes, so many trails and so little time to explore them all. My list of things I want to do on the Gunflint Trail this summer is quite long. If only I could stay in one of my cabins for a week and enjoy a summer vacation at Voyageur. At least while I’m cleaning cabins pretending I’m on vacation Josh thinks he really is on vacation without ever leaving home.
Come stay with us this weekend, we have an opening just for you!