Growth Spurt
It seems like yesterday when it was just our family around the dinner table. How quickly things change, sometimes overnight.
We had 3 new, but familiar faces at breakfast on Tuesday morning. Andy, Billi and Adam arrived Monday night for their summer at Voyageur. Andy is a third year employee who is thrilled to be back up and we are so happy to have him here. Billi is a 2nd year staff member and is anxious to experience a full summer in the northwoods. Adam worked for our neighbor doing Ham Lake Fire clean up last year so it’s his first year at Voyageur, but not for living and working at the end of the Gunflint Trail.
Excitement and enthusiasm can be felt in the air at Voyageur. It’s a great time of the year when everything is fresh and new. Young moose calves roam the woods and drink from ponds, new plants pop up through the soil and all sorts of critters are being born. Every day there is some sort of change to experience.
Most of the changes are good but there are a few we do not look forward to. One of which is Sheri leaving for a vacation to Alaska today and then off to graduate school. later in the month. We’re happy for her but it’s always difficult to have her leave.
Even with her departure we still have to make room at the breakfast table for a couple more staff members when they arrive. Jessica and Val will be joining us for another season at Voyageur and Jennifer and Brady will be spending their first season at the end of the Trail. There will be another growth spurt and before we know it staff will be heading home after the season. Change, it always seems to happen overnight.