For the Birds
Birding is one of those hobbies that only interests me because my children are constantly asking me questions about species. With bird book in hand and a compact disc of bird sounds I try my best to identify the birds but living in such a unique place there are way more birds than I can dare try to identify.
On the Gunflint Trail we live in a unique area that is akin to the O’Hare Airport when it comes to birding. We have some birds that come down from the Arctic for the winter and then head north for the summer. Our boreal forest on the edge of Lake Superior is home to many birds people don’t see anywhere else.
We have a birder’s list on our website for folks who come to Voyageur and want to check off birds they spot. It was developed by Dave Etnier who migrates North to Saganaga from Tennessee for the summer. It’s surprising just how many species a birder can see when visiting the Boundary Waters. If you’re looking for more information about what birds you may encounter when visiting the Gunflint Trail then check out this information from Grand Marais and the Supeior National Forest.
Here is a list of birds which can be found in the eastern
BWCA and Gunflint Trail Area.