Fall and the Equinox

Yesterday was the first day of Fall as well as the Autumn Equinox. Equal night and equal day with the days getting shorter and shorter until mid-December when they are at the shortest of the year. The lack of daylight hours is something that I do not look forward to.

I like the long days of summer and sunlight and lucky for me this September has been one of the warmest and sunniest in recent years. Until yesterday when the temperature dipped a little bit and clouds filled the sky.

Temperatures in the 70’s will return again this weekend. My have we been spoiled. This is the latest into the season I have swam(not just jumped in and out) in a long time and I love it. The kids enjoyed it over the weekend too.

Happy Fall!

Gunflint Trail Fun at Voyageur


Voyageur Fun
Voyageur Fun


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