Eagle’s Nest
We have a pair of eagles that nest every year down at the Trail’s End Campground. The USFS blocks the road leading into the campsites around the nest so people do not disturb the eagles. Before the USFS decided the eagles needed privacy we used to be able to walk right up to the tree with the nest in it. We never worried about disturbing them since the eagles had been nesting in a campground, right by the edge of the Seagull River where many people go each spring to look at the walleyes spawn. They did just fine raising their young without being protected. We can’t get too good of a look at the nest now, unless we have binoculars. We can however see the eagles soaring overhead or perched up in a tree waiting to swoop down on a fish or other easy meal. I ioften wondered what the eagles did all day in their nest. Now thanks to this website, I don’t have to wonder anymore.