Dogsledding on the Gunflint Trail
I’ve always wanted to go on an overnight dog sled trip. It’s on my bucket list and I have several destinations in mind including Greenland, Canada and the Boundary Waters. I’m sure I would love the experience wherever there was ample snow and dogs.
One winter when we had our two huskies we decided to go on an overnight camping trip. We loaded a sled, harnessed the dogs and took off for the BWCA. They pulled the sled like troopers and we made it to camp in no time. The conditions changed overnight and the way out didn’t go as smoothly as it had the previous day.
The temperature warmed up considerably and the snow became very soft. Instead of gliding easily across the snow covered lake the sled sunk with each step they took. The dogs were unable to pull the sled and I ended up pulling and pushing it all of the way out.
I’m guessing an organized overnight sled dog adventure wouldn’t end with me pulling the sled, I’d love to leave that to the dogs.
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