Christmas Tree Hunting in the Superior National Forest

     Lucky for me I live in a place where I can harvest my own Christmas Tree.  Better yet is the fact I have property with all kinds of trees suitable for Christmas Trees so I don’t even have to purchase the Superior National Forest Permit.

     If you don’t have your own property on the Gunflint Trail where you can cut down your Christmas Tree then you need a permit.  You can cut one down on the Superior National Forest if you get  a permit for $5 from the USFS.  I haven’t purchased a Christmas Tree in over 20 years so I’m not sure what a tree goes for these days but I’m guessing it’s more than $5.00. 

     It is so much more fun to go out and cut your own tree than it is to pick it out of a parking lot filled with trees for sale.  We like to look around for trees that are growing beneath power lines or are getting crowded out by other trees because we know those trees will not grow to be big and beautiful.

     I’m not picky about what kind of Christmas Tree I have as long as it’s one that isn’t going to survive on it’s own.  Sometimes they look like something from a Charlie Brown movie but most of the time they are pretty nice.

     This year we have a neighbor who has the perfect tree for us next to her cabin.  It’s growing too close to the cabin so we’ll harvest the tree for her.  What a great deal for both of us.  She gets a tree removed for free and we get a free Christmas Tree.

     Why not start a new family tradition this year?  Come stay with us at Voyageur, purchase a tree permit and go harvest your own Christmas Tree to bring home.  You may not be able to have your own property on the Gunflint Trail but at least you’ll be able to bring a part of the Gunflint Trail home with you.


Gunflint Trail Christmas Tree