Change on the Gunflint Trail
What’s new? It’s been awhile since I’ve posted and one reason is the blog editor I use changed. I’m not usually a fan of change especially when it comes to technology. I can’t figure out how to resize photos properly or align things how I want them, but I have been told, something on the blog is better than nothing, so here it is.
One change I am a huge fan of are the new babies at Voyageur Canoe Outfitters. In case you hadn’t heard Matt and Cassidy Ritter welcomed River Jean and Willow Kaye into this world on September 15th.
These two little bundles of joy are an awesome addition to the Voyageur Crew and we couldn’t be happier to have them here. Check out their hats made and gifted by a wife of one of our guests, thank you Bonnie Cummings!
They are healthy, happy and are so fun to have around. They are growing quickly like all babies do.
Speaking of babies, mine just finished his last season playing college football. I’m not sure how time passes us by so quickly but it has been flying. Here we are with his coach on Saturday at his last game playing for the Oles of St. Olaf in Northfield, MN.
And then there’s the change of fall to winter on the Gunflint Trail. A foot or more of the white stuff has fallen all over the Gunflint Trail and most of Cook County. The shovels, snowblowers and plow trucks are out in full force moving the snow that is still falling from the sky.
Change is inevitable and we can’t stop time from passing us by but we can remind ourselves to slow down, live in the moment and embrace each day to its fullest.