What mid-April on the Trail looks like
We have had major April snowstorms on the Gunflint Trail in the past. With those the snow comes and goes relatively quickly but this year the snow just seems to keep sticking around. The ditches along the Gunflint Trail are filled with snow and it looks like February. The lakes and even the ponds are still white with snow insulating the ice. How much ice is left beneath the snow? It depends upon the lake but reports are anywhere from 20-30 inches still exist beneath the insulating layer of snow. When will the ice go out on Saganaga this year? Definitely not by May 1st and probably not by May 7th and maybe not even by May 12th. This is of course using the SWAG Theory, Scientific Wild Ass Guess Theory. I’d say your guess is as good as mine but I’d be lying:) The good news is the over 100″ of white stuff that has fallen on the Gunflint Trail will do wonders for the drought like conditions that were facing us in the fall. When the lakes do finally open up for paddling, there will be plenty of water for us all to enjoy!