Want a New Wenonah?

     I would love a new Wenonah Canoe and you can bet I will be sending in some photos for a chance to win one.  We always paddle a Wenonah when we go canoeing so hopefully I will have something worthy of at least a new paddle.  Pull out your summer photos and see if you can find one of a Wenonah and you might just win a new Wenonah to call your own.  Good Luck!

Show us Your Wenonah and Current Design" Photo Contest

We have recently launched an on-line photo contest for both Wenonah and Current Designs on our consumer website. We are urging consumers to "Show us Your Wenonah and CDs", with chosen monthly winners receiving a free paddle of their choice (up to a $350 value) for their photo. If we receive a photo that we feel is worthy of gracing our 2009 catalog cover, that individual will win a free boat!!!

We are trying to heavily promote the contest through up coming ads in some of the major paddling magazines as well as a couple well placed press releases. Participation has been slowly increasing and we’re seeing some great shots and stories come in.

Check out the contests on both the Wenonah Canoe and Current Designs websites and feel free to mention it to your customers and employees. You can even submit photos if you like.

"Show Us Your CD"


"Show Us Your Wenonah"