Voyageur’s Hudson Bay Expedition on Gods Lake Manitoba
We hope you have been following the Voyageur Hudson Bay Expedition via the blog. The Crew is having a great adventure on their journey from Lake Superior to Hudson Bay. They’ve paddled the BWCA, Quetico Park, Voyageurs National Park, Rainy River, Lake of the Woods, Lake Winnipeg and are currently in Manitoba on God’s Lake. At the end of their journey they will have paddled and portaged over 1300 miles.
Each day for the Voyageur Crew has been a little bit different. Some days have been spent not moving because of the wind and other days they have traveled 12 or more hours. They have seen moose, caribou and the largest black bear any of them have ever seen. They have caught trophy fish, portaged historical paths and navigated numerous rapids.
They are experiencing a journey of a lifetime thanks to the help of many. Wenonah Canoe, Granite Gear, Richmoor, Pete Jansen, Jack Links and numerous others are making the trip possible. You can help support the Expedition by making a donation to help cover the expenses of travel including planes, trains and automobiles.
We’ve been tracking their daily progress with a SPOT satellite messenger and it’s been so much fun following along. Guests of ours can take a SPOT locator on their trips so folks at home can follow their journey as well. 61 days the Voyageur Hudson Bay Expedition has been traveling and they only have a couple of weeks left. Join them on their journey!