Something to talk about…
No matter what the weather does it gives everyone something to talk about. It’s amusing to listen to people talk about the weather. If the weather is dry in the middle of the summer then people are concerned about the water levels being too low. "Will we be able to get through the rapids in the fall?" "If we don’t get lots of rain this fall and snow this winter then we’ll be in trouble come summer."
Then when it rains people have even more to talk about. "What’s all this rain going to do to the water levels in the spring?" "What if we get lots of snow this winter, then where’s all that water going to go?" First people worry about fires and low water levels and then they worry about floods and high water levels.
Conversations revolve around the topic of weather and how it affects people’s lives. "I had to move my docks in, out, up or down." depending upon who you talk to. "I got water in my basement and a trench in my driveway I have to fill in." I kind of like our ever-changing weather, at least it gives us something to talk about.