Oh What a Beautiful Morning…
Sometime during the night I woke up to the sound of rain falling outside of my open window. I was a bit disappointed to hear it because I have been enjoying my morning runs after dropping Abby off at the bus stop. When we went outside I was pleasantly surprised that it had stopped raining and it looked to be clearing up outside. I started my run and I am so glad I did. It turned out to be one of the best mornings ever. The smell of fresh rain, the sounds of the birds chattering in the trees, and the peacefulness of the Gunflint Trail in April surrounded me. I was excited to see open water in the moose pond and ducks swimming around gracefully. A grouse tried to hide himself by standing as still as a statue in the brush as I ran by. When I approached Seagull Creek I could see a ripple in the water and suddenly, "splat" went the tail of a beaver as he dove under. Then I heard a louder noise and much to my delight a bull moose came out of the woods. At a distance I could just make out his little antlers beginning to poke through his head. When I returned to Voyageur I was greeted by the call of a loon who must have just returned for the summer. It’s mornings like these that make me realize how lucky I am to live in such an awesome place. Have a safe and memorable Easter Weekend.