More Moose
Last night we went for a drive down the Trail to run an errand and stop for a malt at Gunflint Pines Resort and Campground. I received a new camera as an anniversary present so we decided to bring it with for the ride. Normally when we have our camera with us we do not see anything worth taking a picture of. Last night was different. As soon as we turned off of our gravel road and started past moose pond I noticed ears sticking up out of the water. Mike stopped the vehicle and I hopped out with camera in hand to get a closer look. It was a young cow moose swimming across the pond but she didn’t have any calves with her. I haven’t seen the cow and calf everyone else has been lucky to see so I was a bit disappointed. We continued on our way and before we traveled another 3 miles I spied another moose. This one was laying down in the swamp and had the start of some new antlers poking out. A young bull having a snack in the pond before going to bed for the night. We started driving again and within two miles we saw our third moose on the edge of a creek. We didn’t bother to stop and take pictures of this one since there was a vehicle pulled over already. I did get some pictures but of course they never turn out as good as you think they will. It’s always a treat to see moose and I was very happy to have my new camera along for the ride.