Loyal Readers
A big thank you to all of my loyal blog readers. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy days to check and read the blog. I really enjoy hearing from you all whether it is a comment left for other readers or a personal e-mail. It’s nice to know people look forward to reading it each day.
Thanks to those of you who have participated in the recent contests. It’s been fun to get a response from so many people and I wish I had a gift for everyone to win. The Trivia Answers were posted on the blog and the type of royalex canoe we rent at Voyageur is the Spirit II by Wenonah. I plan on having more contests in the future, so please keep on playing.
I welcome your feedback about my blog. If something I am writing about bothers you or you want to hear about a specific topic then please let me know. I will do my best for all of my readers.
One of my readers, John Karpicke, shared a good website with me recently. It contains a useful checklist on ways to reduce global warming, some of which I was not familiar with. It said that using an iron consumes as much energy as 10- 100 watt light bulbs. I was very happy to read that and will have no problem keeping my iron on the shelf for another decade or so in the quest to reduce global warming.