Llike Leaves on a Tree
We were lucky this year many of our summer crew were able to stay into the fall. But now like the leaves on the trees the crew has fluttered away on the wind. Abigail and Kira left in August but Matt and Paul just left this past week. Soon to leave are two more guys that I haven’t had a chance to introduce yet.
Evan is a second year employee from Dayton, Minnesota. His favorite things to do while at work are drive the tow boats, take fish guts and take cardboard to the recycle trailer. When he’s not working he enjoys camping, reading and relaxing in a hammock. His favorite lake is Grandpa and his favorite route is down Ottertrack Lake to Eddy Falls. He would like to visit Ham Lake in the future and when he grows up he wants to be “happy.” He’s been a great addition to the Voyageur crew and we’ll miss having him around.

Luke joined us this summer from Champlin, Minnesota. He’s a childhood friend of Evan’s who likes to fish and wants to be a musician when he grows up. He’s majoring in musical therapy at Anoka Ramsey Community College but took the fall off to help at Voyageur. We’ve enjoyed having Luke as a part of the crew as he has been a Jack of all Trades. He’s done a variety of things while working including driving the tow boat, transporting guests, painting, cleaning, cooking canoe repair and of course equipment clean up. Both Evan and Luke love Rugby to death and I’m sure Rugby will miss both of them greatly.

Not too long from now Elsa will also flutter away from Voyageur for another winter. Hannah, Tony and Mark are still with us and will be for the winter so I guess they are like the trees that remain while the leaves disperse.
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