Life Vests
It seems like I am always reading about people who have drowned because they have not been wearing a lifevest. The Coast Guard sends out e-mail press releases almost daily about someone who capsized in a boat and didn’t live to see another day because they weren’t wearing a lifevest. Some people think because they can swim they do not need to wear a lifevest. Other people just don’t think they will ever capsize in a canoe or boat. History has proven on the water accidents do happen and those who are wearing a lifevest have a very good chance of survival. We are around water all of the time here at Voyageur and as outfitters we let everyone know that the lifevests are for wearing, not stowing underneath the seat. Today’s lifevests are comfortable to wear and after awhile you hardly notice you have them on. You can always find a product like Sospenders that are very small but can save your life in an emergency. Some people make sure their kids are wearing their lifevest and then do not wear their own. That’s better than not having the kids wear a vest, but not as good as teaching by example. And besides, what if the adult ended up in the water or unconscious? Would they want their kids floating around in the water while they were helpless or drowning? Just do yourself, your family and your friends a favor, the next time you go out on the water, buckle up your lifevest and come home safely.