It’s a Nice Place to Visit
I thought we had arrived in the world’s most perfect place when I saw the sunshine, palm trees and the thermometer reading 72 degrees on November 28th. Then the vehicle stopped and I looked up to see all four lanes of the interstate at a stand still.
I thought maybe there was an accident so I checked on the internet. No accidents were reported by the Highway Patrol. Traffic had just slowed down in places where seven or eight lanes of traffic funneled down to three or four lanes. This was on a Saturday around 3:00PM and all I could think of was I would hate to see this place on a weekday during rush hour.
The traffic started to move eventually but it wasn’t soon enough for me. In those moments of inching along the interstate at snail speed I decided I already knew where the world’s most perfect place was and I was lucky enough to call that place home.
There are some beautiful places in
People are everywhere and there are too many people in too small of a space for my comfort. It seems everyone needs to go some place because the roadways are constantly jammed with convertibles, Mustangs and Porsches gracing all of the lanes.
I’m enjoying the new sights, the sunshine and the 70 degree temperatures of