I Hope I Don’t Have to Go to Court
Can you believe that’s all the snow we got? Maybe over a half of a foot of new snow on the ground. I even made it to the bus stop in my Subaru. I pushed snow the whole way and it felt like I was floating on a cloud, but I made it there and back without crashing. Wait a minute? I forgot, that wasn’t what I was going to write about.
I hope I don’t have to go to court because there is no way I could remember what I did when I can’t even remember what I’m suppose to do. The above is an example of my mind not computing properly. I think the disc is full and I may need to download to an external hard drive or zip drive or something.
Here’s another prime example of why I wouldn’t be good on a witness stand. Monday night after the Mush for a Cure meeting I decided to go to town because I had so much to do in town the next day. There was a list somewhere but unfortunately I either couldn’t find it, didn’t look for it or l never wrote it down. On the list were things like, go to P.T. appointment, get photo taken with pink Como truck, pick up raffle tickets, take deposit to bank, get mail from PTA box at school, start sorting through the mountain of Girl Scout Cookies and so on and so forth.
After a busy morning of running errands Mike asked if I was ready to head back up the Trail. After checking my mental list I decided, "Sure". Once at home I started up the computer, opened my e-mail inbox and found a message from Mary Black, co-organizer of Mush for a Cure. "Any word from the Pink Como Truck?"
Oops. I kind of forgot that was the main reason for being in town. I didn’t exactly know how to respond and while I was pondering that the phone rang. Mike buzzed up to tell me, "That was Como, the Pink truck is there." I’m pretty sure a four letter word popped out of my mouth and it wasn’t the word "pink" or "Como." How could I forget something like that? I wasn’t about to make the 120 mile trip to town and back so I had to let Mary know she was on her own. She says she’s blonde and I tease her about it but now she believes color really doesn’t matter, it’s all about how deep the roots go and if it affects your brain functioning or not.
My roots are deep. I’m not sure if that would work on the witness stand as an excuse or not but I sure hope I don’t have to go to court to find out.