Hard Boiled Eggs and Ham
I was invited to go canoe camping in the Boundary Waters with some friends last month. I told them my back was bad, my ankle was twisted, I didn’t like to cook over a campfire, I’m not that great of company but I could get them a tow across Saganaga Lake for a good price so they let me accompany them.
I’m not against cooking on a BWCA canoe trip I just prefer not to do it. Collecting fire wood, doing dishes and cooking is a ton of work and I prefer to just eat trail mix, almonds and peanut butter and jelly. These girls however like to cook over a campfire and are super ambitious. They packed all of the food and I will say I was surprised when our first lunch was hard boiled eggs and fresh apples. When I canoe camp with Mike and the family lightweight is the priority for meal time. This was not so with these girls.
The first evening for dinner they pulled out a ham. To go along with the ham they had fresh potatoes. I was a bit shocked to see a ham and potatoes and then later in the trip green peppers, red peppers, more apples and more potatoes. They also brought along some “Momma Juice Boxes”, otherwise known as wine in a box. I can’t complain about the food, it was delicious and I never had to carry the food pack.
While I’m probably not going to change the way I pack food on a canoe trip I will say it was nice to have fresh food and plenty of it on a BWCA canoe trip.
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