Gunflint Wilderness Camp
"Who has that cool slide on the Seagull River?" This is a question we hear alot from guests who paddle from our docks at Voyageur Canoe Outfitters. The cool slide belongs to Camp Birchwood for Boys, formerly known as Gunflint Wilderness Camp at the end of the Gunflint Trail. They also own the awesome party pontoon, water trampoline, rope swing and other toys that provide for a full day of waterfront fun.
When the campers are away we sometimes get to play. This was the case yesterday for a few hours before a couple of boat loads of new campers arrived for the new session. Mike has extended family up staying at Voyageur for the weekend so we took a couple of hours off to entertain them over at the camp.
I’m not sure who had more fun, the kids or the adults? I saw Mike’s cousins bouncing around on the water trampoline like a couple of kids, giggling and having a great time. A wife of one of his cousins went off of the rope swing more times than most of the kids. The Flog(fake log) had a waiting line and the water mat was perfect for little Will.
If you’re looking for a place to send your kid for a couple of weeks then I wouldn’t hesitate to send them to Camp Birchwood for Boys. Most of their time is spent out on trail whether it’s paddling, hiking, biking or rock climbing. But their days at base must be a highlight as I know it was for our crew yesterday.