GTVFD Appreciation Party
The Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department is hosting an Appreciation Party on Sunday, August 26th at The Landing at Devil’s Track Lodge. There will be a social hour beginning at 4:00pm followed by a barbecue dinner at 5 pm. A short awards program will take place before the live music begins at 7 pm.
The GTVFD would like to show their appreciation to the community and mutual aid departments who assisted during the Ham Lake Fire. Tickets are required for the dinner and can be reserved by calling or e-mailing me. The cost for the dinner is $35.00 and anyone is welcome to attend the dance free of charge. There will also be a silent auction with some great items and door prizes awarded throughout the evening.
We’re hoping for a great community turnout. Take the time to visit with volunteers, express your gratitude and get to know some great folks. There are over 40 volunteers from the various fire departments who are planning to attend the Appreciation Party as well as many community members. Please join us for all or part of the evening and plan on having a great time.