Not Enough or Too Much
Up here on the Gunflint Trail we are experiencing a severe drought while down in southern Minnesota it is flooding. I’m wondering what is wrong with Mother Nature?
Yesterday morning started out with high hopes for a good day of rain. Unfortunately Grand Marais and the North Shore received all of our rain and at the Seagull Guard Station only .02" of rain was recorded. Just enough to rinse the dust off of the dry leaves on the trees. We’re going to need a good soaking before the fire danger is alleviated and the fire ban removed.
I actually find comfort in the fact the drought is raising everyone’s shackles. I have a sense that if we really worry about a fire then it won’t happen. It isn’t going to take us by surprise if there is a fire in any case.
Our friends down in Winona, Minnesota are concerned with the swollen rivers and flooding in their area. The DNR is recommending canoers and kayakers stay off of the rivers for their safety. I’m hoping Mother Nature gets her head on straight and makes things a little more normal up here and down there and maybe even in between.