Fire and Rain
I noticed some dark clouds this afternoon and realized it wasn’t smoke from the fire, but rain clouds. I started to dance and lo and behold rain fell from the sky. I guess I quit dancing too soon because the rain that fell on most parts of the Cavity Lake Fire didn’t even measure up to .2". The good news is the forecast for the next couple of days says there is a slight chance of rain. I know it is only a forecast but at least there is a glimmer of hope and not just sunshine and 80 degree temperatures predicted. The Type I Team’s first day on the fire went well and the humidity and wind cooperated with them. They were able to work on Seagull Lake mop up and they started to put a fire line in from Red Rock to Zephyr Lake. Four new 20 person crews arrived today including a Hotshot Team which brings the total personnel on the fire to around 285 people. They said at this morning’s briefing that before long there will be almost 1000 people involved in fighting the Cavity Lake Fire. With the increased amount of people traveling on the Gunflint Trail, Cook County Law Enforcement is advising everyone to slow down and drive safely. I’m not sure why I received an in person notification from a deputy but I was told the speed limit from the Seagull Guard Station all of the way to the end of the Gunflint Trail has now been reduced to 25 mph. This will help protect not only the people but also the critters that we value in our neck of the woods. It’s a good idea to drive with your lights on day or night, especially if there is smoke on the roadway. There is a new website that will be updated for the Cavity Lake Fire and you can see some great photos online too. The photo seen below was taken by Richard Clark on Sunday afternoon from Saganaga Lake.