Countdown to Canoe Races
It’s less than a week until the Annual Gunflint Trail Canoe Races to benefit the Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department. Next Wednesday, July 15th is the big day on Gunflint Lake. Local cabin owners, staff from up and down the Gunflint Trail and all sorts of people will gather for the annual fundraiser.
The event is much more than just canoeing. The summer homeowners have made the event a fun-filled afternoon for everyone. There’s minnow races for kids, golf and plenty of good food available. Speaking of food, for the 2nd year in a row there will be an eating contest. Some resorts have put forth their best eaters for a chance to see how many creme puffs they can eat in a couple of minutes. Chelsea is who we’ll be cheering for from Voyageur.
Every year Voyageur has a crew of awesome racers competing in the various canoeing events. There’s long distance, gunwale pumping, broken paddle and straight paddling events for different age groups. There’s usually a canoe with red shirts in it crossing the finish line in the top 3. We have a bunch of crew, past and present as well as some neighbors who love to paddle as part of the Voyageur Crew. We pay their entrance fees and they give it their best shot at racing. It doesn’t matter if they win or lose because it’s a win-win thing for the GTVFD.
If you’re in the area then please support the GTVFD and come to the Annual Canoe Races on Wednesday, July 15th. Enjoy a sloppy joe, buy a raffle ticket or just come and enjoy some Gunflint Trail Fun.