Amazon River Trip
My friend Amy Voytilla is off on another adventure with the Wilderness Classroom. Some of you may remember her from her last expedition when she and Dave paddled around Lake Superior. This time Amy and her crew are on an amazing trip across South America via bicycles and canoes.
They started their trip on April 2 in Lima, Peru. The complete journey will be done over three, 4-6 week trips over three years. The first leg of their trip they will bike and hike over 500 miles from the Pacific Ocean through the Andes Mountains to Iquitos, Peru. They will eventually paddle the Amazon River across South America. You can chat with them, view videocasts, listen to podcasts and learn all sorts of interesting information about their adventure on their website.
I’m excited to say I will be a part of this journey because Amy will be paddling with one of my Pink Paddles. Good Luck Amy!