After the Alpine Fire
Only a few firefighters remain active on the Alpine Lake Fire. Some are taking the remaining hose out of the woods and others are continuing the clean up efforts. There are a couple of planes left in the area to check for hot spots and flare ups, but it looks like things are good. A hot fire is never really "dead", at least not until a long winter of cold and snow. But for now, things have returned to normal here at Voyageur and at the end of the Gunflint Trail. During Tuesday’s flight the patrol plane did spot a small fire near little Saganaga Lake and a crew was sent in for a closer look. Due to the close proximity to the Blowdown Area this fire will be put out and not allowed to burn out of control. We will keep you informed if anything more becomes of this fire. Check out this article if you are interested in prescribed burns and the let it burn policy of the BWCAW.